Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Death of great servant of God

Services for Olton Gordon Phillips, 70, preacher for 35 years and pastor of NorthSide Baptist Church for 26 years, will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday at NorthSide Baptist Church in Nolanville. Burial will follow at Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery.
Mr. Phillips died Aug. 24, 2015, at home surrounded by his family. He was born Dec. 28, 1944.
Survivors include his wife, Linda Kay Phillips; son, Jimmy Darryl Marta; daughters, Melissa Deann Burkhart and Tammy Jo Phillips; mother-in-law, Beulah J. Brittain; brother, William Phillips; sisters, Joyce Freedman and Linda Troutt; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and countless loved ones.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Attitude gets you no where

We often have an attitude to try and portray ourselves as tough or untouchable, but if we truly want others to accept us we have to stop trying to put on an act and portray ourselves as we truly are. We have to be willing to humble ourselves to be what we know and see in the mirror everyday. The tough attitude and the hardened heart will not get us very far in the end. We are a weak minded people who like to build ourselves up to others just so we look tough, and strong, but in reality we are more than likely not so tough or smart as we think. Think about who you are and don't be afraid to show your true self, not your fake self.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Told about wrong

We don't want to be told we are doing wrong. We don't want to be shown we are doing wrong, but when someone notices that we have done or are doing something wrong isn't it in our best interests that we are told about it so we can stop doing whatever it is, and do better to live right? The answer is yes.

We don't always see our own faults but we sure are quick to point out someone else's. Sin is sin the bible says, but do we continue living in it or do we listen when others point it out, and change what we are doing wrong? Ask yourself in the mirror and take a good hard look at what you are doing and if you have to question it, or think about it before you do whatever it is then more than likely it is wrong.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Once again

Back in the world of bump and grind today. Have you ever thought that some people are just in this world to make you miserable? The reality is this, that maybe they are not the ones making you miserable, but it is you and yourself that is making you have bad days. I have had that thought daily here recently, and I don't ever realize it is not them who made me miserable and irritable until much later in the day, but it when the day is almost through I finally come to the realization that it was me who allowed their actions and attitude to affect me. I have to stop that, and control my own response to each situation.

Lord, I pray today that you please give me the strength to control my own thoughts and actions, and not let them be influenced by others actions or words so that I don't bring reproach upon your name. Amen

Monday, August 10, 2015

Another day

Well it's Monday again, and here we are wondering what our world will throw out to us today. More killings in my area this weekend, how bout yours? What is with people in this world can we not just go without someone dying needlessly for at least one week? I mean really can we not just try and get along, LOL. Yeah right seems that will never happen. Sorry just a random thought I had.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Election Debates

What are debates really for these days? Is it truly to discuss the issues or is it to bash the other candidates, and try to bring them down to your level?

We need candidates that are going to focus on the issues and the whole blaming each other for the countries problems needs to stop.

We are all to blame for the problems within our nation.

  1. The people are to blame for electing idiotic men and women to the government.
  2. The people are to blame for not holding the government accountable for the problems we face today(the deficit, poor choices made by government leaders, Unconstitutional laws, Removal God from this country, Allowance of illegal activity within the government without accountability).
  3. The congress is to blame for not fulfilling the job requirements that are stated in the constitution.
  4. The president is to blame for not upholding the standard as the leader of THIS nation.
  5. The government as a whole is to blame for not ensuring that America's best interests (not other countries) are first and foremost.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How long do we have?

God has allowed America to exist for this time span, but will he continue to do so seeing as how we have given up on the bible and the biblical standards with which this country was founded on? God is good, and he has allowed us to prosper, and flourish, but if we are not careful we will set ourselves up for destruction, just as Sodom and Gomorrah did, and many other nations in the bible. God gave them chances to change and repent, but they still continued in their sinful ways. How many times has he given us a chance to change, and how many more chances will we have before destruction is set and comes to pass? Noone knows but do we really want to continue to glorify sinful activities and nature and allow those things that are evil to exist within the borders of our nation?