Friday, August 7, 2015

Election Debates

What are debates really for these days? Is it truly to discuss the issues or is it to bash the other candidates, and try to bring them down to your level?

We need candidates that are going to focus on the issues and the whole blaming each other for the countries problems needs to stop.

We are all to blame for the problems within our nation.

  1. The people are to blame for electing idiotic men and women to the government.
  2. The people are to blame for not holding the government accountable for the problems we face today(the deficit, poor choices made by government leaders, Unconstitutional laws, Removal God from this country, Allowance of illegal activity within the government without accountability).
  3. The congress is to blame for not fulfilling the job requirements that are stated in the constitution.
  4. The president is to blame for not upholding the standard as the leader of THIS nation.
  5. The government as a whole is to blame for not ensuring that America's best interests (not other countries) are first and foremost.

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